Terrorist Neutralized in Attempted Stabbing Attack




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    Terrorist Neutralized in Attempted Stabbing Attack

    An Arab terrorist armed with a knife attempted to stab Jews at a popular hitchhiking spot outside of a Jewish community north of Jerusalem Thursday afternoon • Full Story

    Arutz Sheva

    An Arab terrorist armed with a knife attempted to stab Jews at a popular hitchhiking spot outside of a Jewish community north of Jerusalem Thursday afternoon.

    The terrorist targeted Israeli security forces stationed at the Ofra junction in Samaria, but was shot and neutralized before he was able to reach his intended victims.

    IDF soldiers positioned near the junction opened fire on the terrorist as he charged them.

    Emergency response teams were called to site of the attempted attack to treat the wounded attacker, who was in critical condition. He was later declared dead on the scene.

    An army spokesperson confirmed the incident and the terrorist’s death in a statement released in English to journalists half an hour after the attempted attack.

    “[A] Palestinian assailant armed with a knife attempted to stab an Israel Defense Forces soldier guarding a bus stop near the community of Ofra. Responding to threat, forces at the scene shot the assailant, resulting in his death.”


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