Elad Shliach Celebrates 40 Years of Composing 11 Nissan Niggunim With a New Niggun




    Elad Shliach Celebrates 40 Years of Composing 11 Nissan Niggunim With a New Niggun

    Who didn’t hear of Rabbis Feital Levin and Sholom Halevi Boruchshtadt? Who composed in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan and were spread far and wide in the years 5742 and 5743 and were sung in front of the Rebbe MH”M. But who ever heard of the then 10-year-old composer – Yossi Silverman, the son of the shliach to College Park, Maryland in 5741? • Full Story, Listen

    Who didn’t hear of Rabbis Feital Levin and Sholom Halevi Boruchshtadt? The songs they composed in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan were spread worldwide to all Lubavitcher Chassidim in the years 5742 and 5743 and were sung in front of the Rebbe MH”M and accepted as the very first official niggunim composed in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan.

    But who ever heard of the then 10-year-old composer – Yossi Silverman, the son of the shliach to College Park, Maryland in 5741, Rabbi Moishe Silverman who composed songs in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan and played them on his guitar since that very same year 5742?

    In a recent interview with Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Silverman, the Shliach to Elad, Eretz Hakodesh, he reveals that already  in 5741 [a year before the idea to compose a song in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan was brought to 770], his parents purchased him an electric guitar for his 9th birthday and he started to compose songs. The very same year that in 770, Chassidim started to sing a new song composed in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan, Yossi composed his first song in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan on the words “Harneenu Lelokim Uzeinu”.

    “I remember when Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, senior shliach to the state of Maryland, brought me down to his radio program to sing a song I had composed in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan: “Kuma Elokim Shafta Ha-aretz”. I think he liked it.” he said

    Every year, Yossi Silverman would continue to compose a song in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan.

    After his father received a blessing from the Rebbe to continue his shlichus at the university of Toronto, Canada, Yossi continued to appear at bar-mitzvot and other occasions and would sing and play songs with his electric guitar.

    In 5752, Yossi received a bracha from the Rebbe to study at Yeshivas Toras Emes in Yerushalayim. That year he composed a song “Chaim Sha-al” and for Yud Aleph Nissan added the words “orech yomim Asbe-ayhu v-areihu bee’yeshuasi.” His song Chaim Sha-al was spread and sung at the Chabad yeshivot he learnt in Toras Emes and as well at the Chabad Yeshiva in Tzfat.

    On Rosh Chodesh Elul 5753, the Rebbe blessed Hatomim Yoseph Yitzchak Silverman to learn with the “Kevutza” bochurim in 770. During the month of Adar and sometimes at the Kiddush Levana, he would add joy with his electric guitar in 770. And of course, in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan 5754 he composed a new song on the words Hashem Malach which he sang in front of his mashpia –  R’ Yoel Kahn OBM, who remarked that it is a good song!

    In 5756, when Rabbi Boruchshtadt was unable to compose a song on time for Yud Aleph Nissan as result of mourning customs, Hatomim Yoseph Yitzchak Silverman composed a song which for the very first time was sung and accepted in 770.

    Even the next year, 5757, he composed a song in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan and was invited to sing it at the official farbrengen in 770. Since then, every single year he has composed a song in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan.

    This year, in honor of the year of Hakhel, Yossi, now Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Silverman, the senior shliach to Elad, has composed a new song and added the words “Khal Gadol Yashuvu Heina” to the end of the song.

    Take a listen:


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