New Footage: Two Bar Mitzvas with the Rebbe




    New Footage: Two Bar Mitzvas with the Rebbe

    One of the highlights boys experience when having their Bar Mitzvah, is being called up to the Torah and receiving their first Aliya. One family asked their videographer to document these unique moments, as well as highlights of that Shachris with the Rebbe • Full Story, Watch 

    One of the highlights boys experience when having their Bar Mitzvah, is being called up to the Torah and receiving their first Aliya.

    How much more memorable this experience must have been, when the Rebbe was present at the Aliya, and standing right near the Bar Mitzvah Bochur.

    One family asked their videographer to document these unique moments, as well as highlights of that Shachris with the Rebbe.

    With the stunning results, when the family had a second Bar Mitzvah exactly a year later, they documented that Shachris as well.

    Recently, the family has come across these two videos, and have shared it with RebbeDrive to restore this historic footage. We invite you to see the results.

    First Bar Mitzva: Chof Alef Sivan 5750:

    Second Bar Mitzva: Chof Alef Sivan 5751:


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