The Rebbe Is Greater Than His Father?




    1290 hatzala
    Seder Nashim

    The Rebbe Is Greater Than His Father?

    A few weeks before the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, passed away, she met with a delegation of Chassidim on the occasion of her husband’s Yohrtzeit, and she said: “I have seen many great personalities, such as my father and my husband, and other great Torah personalities who visited my father’s home, but someone as great as my son (the Rebbe) there never was before him. And the main aspect of his greatness is how he conceals it…” ● Full Story

    Rabbi Shmuel Lew, veteran Chabad Shliach to London, England, relates the following story:

    It was the summer of 5724, a short time before the passing of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, and I was invited to join a delegation of Chassidim who visited Rebbetzin Chana on Chaf Av, the 20th Yohrtzeit of her husband, the Rebbe’s father, the saintly Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson.

    When we arrived at her home, she spent time discussing her late husband, repeating the story of his passing, and the Mesirus Nefesh of those who participated in the Tahara and the burial. Afterwards, she spoke about the Rebbe, and one thing remains etched in my mind.

    She said:

    “I have seen many great personalities, such as my father (Rabbi Meir Shlomo Yanovsky) and my husband, and other great Torah personalities who visited my father’s home, but someone as great as my son (the Rebbe) there never was before him. And the main aspect of his greatness is how he conceals it…”



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