8th Day Returns with New Fast-Paced Album




    8th Day Returns with New Fast-Paced Album

    8th Day is back, this time with a brand new two song EP featuring “Ben Amram”, a fast-paced catchy tune and “King David”, a thoughtful ballad with powerful lyrics • Full Story, Listen, Watch

    8th Day is back, this time with a brand new two song EP featuring “Ben Amram”, a fast-paced catchy tune and “King David”, a thoughtful ballad with powerful lyrics.

    “We released them together,” says Bentzi Marcus of 8th Day, “so that the material could connect and not just be two separate songs. And that’s why we called it “The Heritage”. It’s our heritage to have these beautiful words and shared history to inspire us no matter what.”

    “It’s a challenge,” Shmuel Marcus explains, “sometimes it’s hard and life is hard, you can remember the story of David Hamelech’s life and the challenges that surrounded him all his days. We remember that during his time people struggled but still remained strong and united, and their faith and confidence never broke. Also Today, thousands of years later – we still have the same inspiration, the DNA, the same soul, because we are connected as a family.”

    The band styled their release like the old record player days when records would come out with a Side A and a Side B, one song on each side of the record.

    “The Heritage” is now available for streaming and download everywhere.

    For more on 8th Day visit www.my8thday.com.


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