What Do The People Say?




    What Do The People Say?

    Chof Ches Nissan and the release of Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin. Yisroel Goldstien of Crown Heights interviews people of all walks of like after the miraculous release of Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin • Watch


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    1. Moshe

      It seems that not even one of the people asked heard of the quickest, easiest and most direct way to bring Moshiach – to learn about Him… visit LearnMoshiach.com and: prinmag.com/12-principles

    2. moshe

      wow that was an awesome video I will try to do everything they say in it thank you for the video

    3. mendel

      I think you should be happy

    4. Sometimes,

      after these many years of learning about Moshiach & Geulo – it’s time to think about the “b’chein”; nu, is the learning working? Are we moving on with the plan? What can we do to finally make it actually happen?

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