World Famous Daf Yomi Teacher, Begins Rambam Shiur




    World Famous Daf Yomi Teacher, Begins Rambam Shiur

    Rabbi Shlome Schwartzberg is a maggid shiur known around the world for his brilliant clarity and inviting teaching style. He has taught what may be the most popular Daf Hayomi shiur on Daf HaChaim. R’ Shlome attracts learners of all backgrounds and capabilities, because he presents concepts in a way that is both fascinating and clear. On Monday, 19 Shvat, February 1, Rabbi Schwartzberg is beginning to teach a daily shiur in Sefer HaRambam • Full Story

    Pinny W., a father of seven children, manages a business in an industry that demands most of his daytime hours. He enjoys squeezing some Torah learning into his schedule, but it’s always a struggle. “Aside from finding the time, I didn’t have the motivation,” he said. “The Torah is so endless. I felt like my hour or two wouldn’t get my anywhere.”

    Indeed, when the top of a mountain is impossible to reach, it’s not a mountain the people are eager to climb.

    The Daily Rambam Project is changing everything for Pinny – and for thousands of Torah climbers. 

    “It is so exciting to know that with such a small investment of time on my part, I could become fluent in the entire Torah She’Baal Peh.”

    The Daily Rambam Project is fulfilling the Rebbe’s vision of Daily Rambam learning across the globe. It is designed to empower every individual to master the entire Rambam over three years of learning, by learning just one daily Perek.

    The shiur in Yiddish, delivered by Rabbi Elozer Nisan Rubin, attracts thousands of listeners worldwide and is changing the landscape of Torah learning.

    Now, this priceless gift is available in English!

    Rabbi Shlome Schwartzberg is a Maggid Shiur known around the world for his brilliant clarity and inviting teaching style. He has taught what may be the most popular Daf Hayomi shiur on Daf HaChaim. R’ Shlome attracts learners of all backgrounds and capabilities, because he presents concepts in a way that is both fascinating and clear.

    On Monday, 19 Shvat, February 1, Rabbi Schwartzberg is beginning to teach a daily shiur in Sefer HaRambam.

    Shiurim can be accessed on the phone and on the website

    The website has been upgraded to provide an exceptional learning experience – you feel like you are sitting across the table from Rabbi Schwartzberg, as he personally speaks to you.

    The text of the Rambam flows along with the shiur. Diagrams and visuals are also included, to enhance the learning experience.

    Years ago, mastering the entire Torah She’Baal Peh was an imagined dream; a mountain that most people didn’t even attempt to climb. Today, every person can do it. Take advantage of this opportunity and start your climb today.


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