Bring Rabbi Rogalsky Home




    Bring Rabbi Rogalsky Home

    It could have been any of us, but Hashem chose my husband, Chaim Yaakov, a humble man, a dedicated Rebbe and Special Ed therapist. He authored two seforim that overflow with his love of Hashem and Torah. Love of Torah and encouraging this love in others to make the world a more G-dly place was the meaning of his life • Full Story, Donate


    It could have been any of us, but Hashem chose my husband, Chaim Yaakov, a humble man, a dedicated Rebbe and Special Ed therapist. He authored two seforim that overflow with his love of Hashem and Torah. Love of Torah and encouraging this love in others to make the world a more G-dly place was the meaning of his life.

    Early in the pandemic, COVID struck my husband with force, we didn’t know what hit us. One rainy night he was put into an ambulance and disappeared into the hospital ICU. We were told it was unlikely that he would survive the night. To our great joy, thanks to Hashem, he did survive, and fought for the next nine weeks in a medicallly induced coma.

    Chaim Yaakov is left with damaged kidneys and a host of other ailments, but the most serious and debilitating is severe nerve damage to his hands and arms, resulting in virtual paralysis of these limbs.

    After eight months of hospitalization and rehab, Chaim Yaakov is coming home. However the necessary modifications that will allow him some functioning are very expensive and the family has been left unable to meet these expenses. We turn to you for help! We are trying to reach the goal of $75,000, which is needed to cover the immediate costs of home modifications needed by Chaim Yaakov due to his condition. He will also need therapy and treatments and private home health aides not covered by insurance.

    Since Rabbi Rogalsky is unable to work at this time, his family needs $30,000 for basic living expenses.

    We pray that all suffering is removed from a redeemed world, but until that time, we look to you to respond to our request and plea with compassion.



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