Rabbi Schwei Addressing the Kinus




    Rabbi Schwei Addressing the Kinus

    In connection with the unfortunate passing of Mara D’asra Rabbi Aharon Yaccov Schwei, OB”M, we are publishing a video of Rabbi Schwei speaking at the Kinus Hashluchim a couple of years ago • Watch

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    Don’t Miss Out: Geshmake Lubavitcher Niggunim

    About two weeks ago at the Kinus Hashluchim, singer Choni Zuker with ‘The Kapelle’ and Yossi Cohen on keys, sang old Geshmake Lubavitcher Niggunim • Watch

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    “The Greatest & Biggest Force on Planet Earth”

    At the Kinus Hashluchim, Dr. Zeev Zelanko, a Lubavitcher and highly sought after doctor who practices in Monroe, a Satmar enclave, stressed the importance of working with Ahavas Yisroel, which breaks all boundaries • Watch


    Dudu Fisher’s Powerful Address to Shluchim

    At the Kinus Hashluchim, cantorial sensation Dudu Fisher recounted his mother’s miraculous birth, through a blessing of the previous Rebbe. After a spirited rendition of Sheyibane Beis Hamikdosh, he shared a personal miracle story of himself and the Rebbe • Watch

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    “Rebbe, We are With You Until the Hisgalus!”

    The grand finale of the banquet was a fiery speech by Cincinnati Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Gershon Avtzon. “We stand at the Kinus of 5776, years after the Kinus of 5752 and 5753” he said, “and the calendar moves on… ‘Rebbe, we are with you until the Hisgalus!’.” • Watch

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    Shluchim Recharge the Community

    Member of Badatz Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Shwei blessed the Shluchim at the Kinus, as a representative of the host community. Rabbi Shwei conveyed that “the Shluchim imbues the community with renewed spiritual energy” • Watch

    מרכז סת”ם 720

    Rabbi Schwei Addressing the Kinus


