Ohr Menachem Choir Releases Video for 11 Nissan




    Renowned Chazzan Releases 19 Kislev Classic

    Well known chazzan Rabbi Dovid Caytak of Yerushalayim released a new single, an original rendition of the classic niggun “Pada V’Shalom”, traditionally associated with 19 Kislev, dubbed Rosh Hashana L’Chassidus. The song contains the famous last lines of kapitel 55 of Tehillim, which the Alter Rebbe recited at the exact time of his release from Tzarist prison • Listen

    Eclectic Group of Chabad Musicians Present: Dance Chabad!

    An eclectic group of Chabad musicians and singers came together for a unique music video; a medley of uplifting Chabad niggunim titled: “Dance Chabad!” The video, produced by Krohma, features Benny Friedman, Eli Marcus, Avremi G and the Kapelle Choir led by Yossi Cohen • Watch

    Israeli Singer Releases Stirring Rendition of ‘Ani Maamin’

    As part of ‘Tzama’, the now well known project aimed at disseminating Chabad niggunim throughout the broader Jewish world, famous Israeli singer Aviv Alush released a moving rendition of the classic ‘Ani Maamin’. The niggun, composed by chazzan Azriel Dovid Festag while on a train headed to the Treblink death camp during the Holocaust r”l, was sung many times by farbrenges with the Rebbe MH”M, and has become a staple niggun in Chabad • Listen

    Simche Friedman Fuses Three Rebbeim Into One Hit Single

    Chabad singer Simche Friedman paired a niggun composed the Tzemach Tzedek with words written by the Mitteler Rebbe in the name of his father, the Alter Rebbe in a new song titled ‘Daven Mit a Niggun’. Friedman wrote that the song was composed almost spontaneously • Video, Full Story

    ‘Prince of Israeli Rock’ Sings Classic Shabbos Davening Niggun

    As part of ‘Tzama’, the now well known project aimed at disseminating Chabad niggunim throughout the broader Jewish world, famous Israeli singer Barry Sakharof, dubbed the ‘Prince of Israeli Rock’, released a moving rendition of the classic ‘Kel Adon’, sung around the world in Chabad shuls on Shabbos morning. To date, ‘Tzama’ has released five albums filled with classic Chabad niggunim sung by well known Israeli and Jewish artists. This song is slated to be included in the sixth album • Listen

    Singing Shluchim Duo Releases ‘Yaaleh’

    Shluchim Rabbi Motti and Menachem Feldman of Sydney, Australia’s Dover Heights Shule released another rendition of a classic yamim noraim melody while under strict lockdown. “It’s hard to describe our emotions when recording this niggun,” they write, “knowing that tomorrow, for the first time since it’s opening, our Shule will be closed for Yom Kippur” • Full Story, Video

    ‘Tzama’ Project Releases New Hit Niggun

    As part of ‘Tzama’, the now well known project aimed at disseminating Chabad niggunim throughout the broader Jewish world, famous Israeli singer Evyatar Banai released a moving rendition of the classic ‘Venislach’, sung around the world on Yom Kippur. To date, ‘Tzama’ has released five albums filled with classic Chabad niggunim sung by well known Israeli and Jewish artists. This song is slated to be included in the sixth album • Listen

    Shluchim Duo Out With Third Song

    While Sydney, Australia is in the midst of a strict lockdown, Rabbi Motti Feldman and his son Rabbi Menachem Feldman, both Shluchim in the Dover Heights Shule, released a beautiful rendition of “Ochila Lakel” and “Haneshama Lach” to inspire their community during the month of Elul. This week they have released a new song, “Eilu V’Eilu Omrim” Full Story, Video

    ‘Poltava Niggun’ Sung Beautifully By Brooklyn Tenors

    The famous Chabad niggun was sung by an event by the group of local singers and chazzanim. The rendition is filled with emotion and stirs the listener with the spirit of the beautiful niggun • Watch

    Chabad Singer Releases R’ Yoel’s Favorite Niggun

    In honor of the shloshim of venerated choizer and mashpia R’ Yoel Kahn OBM. Israeli Chabad singer R’ Aharon Fruchtman released a fresh rendition of R’ Yoel’s most beloved niggun, the niggun of R. Ber Moshes, a chossid of the Rebbe Maharash who lived in the city of Kremenchug • Full Story, Listen

    Ohr Menachem Choir Releases Video for 11 Nissan


