Shwekey Sings RC Kislev Niggun




    Seder Nashim

    Young Shliach Releases Moving Album

    In honor of his Bar Mitzvah, young shliach Natan Wishedski, son of Rabbi Zalman and Mrs. Dvora Wishedski, of Basel, Switzerland, released an album of heart wrenching Chabad niggunim titled “Anim Zmiros“. The entire album is now available to the public • Video, Full Album

    French Singer Revamps Beloved Niggun

    Following his release of the niggun “Harninu”,French Chabad singer Menachem Levy released a new single from his ‘Rebbe’s Nigunim’ album, filled with fresh, innovative covers of these priceless niggunim, which he has compiled over the years in honor of his birthday. Menachem previously contributed to the well known album ‘Chabad’ by composer Moshe Laufer Video

    In honor of Chanukah: “Yevanim Nikbatzu” Released

    In honor of Chanukah, singers Aron Fruchtman and DovBer Balashnikov released a dance version of the Chabad niggun of “Yevanim Nikbatzu” • Listen

    Niggun with a Twist Released for Yud Tes Kislev

    Lubavitch singer and musician Dovber Balashnikov and Aron Fruchtman released the Niggun ‘keayil Ta’arog’ with a twist in honor of Yud Tes Kislev • Listen

    Yoni Shlomo Releases Niggun Together with Ami Cohen

    Lubavitch singer Yoni Shlomo, together with the famed Israeli musician Ami Cohen, released a rendition of the Kuvlitzer Niggun. This is published by Mendy Kurant • Watch

    Rabbi Bruchshtat Teaches the Bochurim Niggunim

    Last week, Rabbi Sholom Bruchshtat, the famed Lubavitch composer, sat down with Bochurim in 770 and taught them some Niggunim that he composed. Among those Niggunim he sang was “Keil Nikamos” a lesser known Niggun that was composed for the Rebbe’s Kapitel in 5755 • Watch

    Simche Friedman Sings Niggunim at Concert

    Lubavitch singer Simche Friedman sang Niggunim at a concert arranged by the Jerusalem Municipality in the summer together with the Yehuda Galili Orchestra • Watch

    Mendy Jerufi Releases ‘Vharkosi’

    Lubavitch singer Mendy Jerufi released the Lubavitch niggun Vharkosi Lachem Bracha Ad Bli Dai with a new modern twist • Listen

    Shwekey Sings RC Kislev Niggun


