Fight Erupts at Mesivta




    Fight Erupts at Mesivta

    A group of young teenagers, walked past the Oholei Torah Mesivta and started an altercation with the students there, which escalated until one Yeshiva student received multiple blows to the head • Full Story

    A group of young teenagers, walked past the Oholei Torah Mesivta and started an altercation with the students there, which escalated until one Yeshiva student received multiple blows to the head.

    The incident occurred today at around 10:30, in the morning. A 14 year old Jewish teenager was assaulted, by a 13 year old African-American teenager, the victim was punched in the face and suffered a bloody nose.

    The incident is being investigate by the Hate crimes task force. The teen is currently in custody.


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    1. Yitzchak Mordechai

      These teenagers, they haven’t learned from the past 2 stop doing these stupid things ? Enough of this garbage, cut it out already, & get a life !!!

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