Pregnant Woman Wounded in Attack




    Pregnant Woman Wounded in Attack

    A pregnant 26-year-old woman was wounded on Thursday evening when Arabs threw rocks at her car near Karmei Tzur on Highway 60, in Gush Etzion. Magen David Adom paramedics who were called to the scene treated the woman, who was hit in the face by shrapnel • Full Story

    Arutz Sheva

    A pregnant 26-year-old woman was wounded on Thursday evening when Arabs threw rocks at her car near Karmei Tzur on Highway 60, in Gush Etzion.

    Magen David Adom paramedics who were called to the scene treated the woman, who was hit in the face by shrapnel, and evacuated to the Shaare Zedek Hospital in Yerushalayim.

    In another attack on the same highway, a rock thrown by Arabs damaged a car driven by Rabbi Re’em Hacohen, head of the yeshiva in Otniel and Yehuda Glick, the chairman of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation. They were not injured.

    Earlier on Thursday evening, a 60-year-old woman was wounded when rocks were thrown by Arabs on Route 431, between Ramle and Rishon Lezion. She was treated by paramedics and taken to the Assaf Harofeh Hospital.

    An eight-month-old baby who was with her in the car was also evacuated to hospital but did not require treatment.

    In addition to the rock throwing attacks, Arab terrorists on Thursday evening, around 8:00 p.m., carried out a drive-by shooting at a hitchhiking station adjacent to the town of Ofra, located in the Binyamin region of Samaria.

    IDF forces on the scene responded by opening fire at the terrorists’ car, which fled towards the Arab town of Yabrud.

    No one was wounded in the shooting.

    The incident comes less than an hour after Arab terrorists hurled firebombs at an Israeli car adjacent to Ofra.

    No damage or wounds were reported in the firebomb attack.

    Also on Thursday, an Arab terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier in the face and lightly wounded him in Chevron. The terrorist was shot dead by Border Police officers.

    Hours later another Arab terrorist tried to stab soldiers in Chevron, but was shot dead before he could inflict any wounds.


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