Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Kotlarsky, 74, OBM




    Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Kotlarsky, 74, OBM

    Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Kotlarsky, of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement which oversees over 5,000 Chabad centers and educational institutions worldwide, passed away on Tuesday, 27 Iyar 5784 • Full Story

    Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, who revolutionized the world of Shlichus over the globe and spearheaded the International Kinus Hashluchim, passed away on Tuesday, 27 Iyar 5784.

    He was 74 years old. His 75th birthday is in a few days, on Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

    Born in 5709 (1949) to Rabbi Tzvi Yosef (Hershel) and Golda Kotlarsky, a member of the administrative board of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim, he attended local Yeshivos in Crown Heights. He married his wife, Rivka, daughter of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Kazen, shliach in Cleveland, Ohio.

    Following his marriage, Rabbi Kotlarsky settled in Crown Heights and began his lifelong work at Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, assisting in its day-to-day operations. Over the years, he was appointed to manage the Office of International Shluchim, providing invaluable guidance and support to hundreds of the Rebbe’s shluchim at the start of their shlichus, and continuing to counsel many throughout their shlichus. Rabbi Kotlarsky later became the Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch.

    Rabbi Kotlarsky was instrumental in organizing the first International Kinus HaShluchim in 5745, following the Rebbe’s call to emulate the Kinus Hashluchim held in Eretz Yisroel. Under his leadership, the Kinus grew into a major annual event, attended by thousands of shluchim from around the world and widely covered by general media.

    In collaboration with philanthropist Mr. Samuel (Sam) Rohr, Rabbi Kotlarsky initiated numerous projects to promote Jewish education and support Chabad emissaries. Among these were the Chabad on Campus initiative and the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), which have had a profound impact on the world of shlichus.

    He was at the helm of global initiatives such as Chabad on Campus and the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI).

    Despite facing significant health challenges over the years, Rabbi Kotlarsky continued his work with boundless energy and dedication. In Iyar 5784, his family announced that his health was critical and requested davening for his recovery. His perseverance and commitment to his mission were evident until his last days.

    Rabbi Kotlarsky’s contributions to the world of shlichus are immeasurable. His work has left an enduring legacy, touching countless lives and strengthening Jewish communities worldwide.

    Rabbi Kotlarsky is survived by his wife Rivka and children:
    Rabbi Meir Kotlarsky – Florida.
    Rabbi Mendel Kotlarsky – Right-hand man of his father and Director of Suite 302 at Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch.
    Rabbi Sruly Kotlarsky – Lafayette, Pennsylvania.
    Rabbi Levi Kotlarsky – Crown Heights.
    Rabbi Dovid Kotlarsky – Lakeview, Illinois.
    Mrs. Chana Wolowik – Five Towns, Long Island.
    Mrs. Sara Benjaminson – Glenview, Illinois.
    Mrs. Nechama Greenberg – Oceanside, California.
    Mrs. Golda Perlstein – Gainesville, Virginia.

    The levaya will pass by 770 Eastern Parkway on Wednesday, 28 Sivan at 1:00 PM, with burial at the Old Montefiore Cemetery.

    Boruch Dayan HaemesMoshe Yehuda ben Tzvi Yosef


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