IDF Recommends Cancellation of Lag B’Omer Events in Meron




    IDF Recommends Cancellation of Lag B’Omer Events in Meron

    Three weeks before the Lag Ba’omer holiday, the IDF has recommended that the Israeli government cancel Lag Ba’omer events in Meron this year – completely, due to security concerns in northern Israel • Full Story

    Arutz Sheva

    Three weeks before the Lag Ba’omer holiday, the IDF has recommended that the Israeli government cancel Lag Ba’omer events in Meron this year – completely.

    Yediot Aharonot reported that the recommendation was made at the conclusion of a series of discussions held by the IDF’s Northern Command and Home Front Command over the past several weeks, and in accordance with updated situational assessments.

    The recommendation was made in light of the escalation by Hezbollah, and the missiles fired towards the Meron area from the direction of Lebanon, which render holding even small gatherings potentially dangerous.

    Over the past several months, Hezbollah terrorists have fired hundreds of rockets and missiles toward Northern Command bases in the Meron area, and the IDF estimates that this situation is unlikely to change. The missiles do not always hit their targets, and in some cases, civilians are injured or killed.

    If the recommendation is adopted, the site would be declared a closed military zone for the duration of Lag Ba’omer, and police and IDF soldiers will enforce the decision, preventing entry to the site.

    Approximately one month ago, following an IDF recommendation, an event marking the passing of Moses, scheduled to be held at Mount Meron, was canceled.

    “In accordance with the updated operational situational assessment, the IDF recommended to the relevant parties that the events marking the passing of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, to be held on Mount Meron on May 25-26, 2024, be canceled. There are no additional changes in the guidelines for the home front.”


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