Moshiach Chidon Introduces Brand New Curriculum for 4th Year




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    Moshiach Chidon Introduces Brand New Curriculum for 4th Year

    As we enter Chodesh Nissan, the month of Geulah, excitement is mounting for the annual Moshiach Chidon, anticipated to be the largest yet. Now in its fourth year, the Moshiach Chidon has emerged as a highly awaited program, uniting Mesivta Bochurim from around the world in learning about Moshiach • Full Story, Photos

    As we enter Chodesh Nissan, the month of Geulah, excitement is mounting for the annual Moshiach Chidon, anticipated to be the largest yet. Now in its fourth year, the Moshiach Chidon has emerged as a highly awaited program, uniting Mesivta Bochurim from around the world in learning about Moshiach.

    This competition, deeply rooted in the Rebbe’s teachings on Geulah, inspires today’s bochurim to embrace a Moshiach mindset.

    The highlight of the Moshiach Chidon is the Grand Banquet and Competition, set to take place in Crown Heights on Gimmel Tammuz, an event that promises to inspire all participants. This year, we expect a record turnout, with an unprecedented number of Yeshivos joining the competition.

    Countless hours have gone into developing a program designed to challenge and inspire every Bochur. A brand-new curriculum has been created, featuring booklets tailored for various levels of understanding in both Lashon Hakodesh and English.

    This year’s curriculum delves into the era of Moshiach, exploring a fascinating array of topics including Techiyas Hameysim, the observance of Yomim Tovim, the battle between the Shor Habor and Livyason, and the roles of the sun and moon Li’osid Lavo.

    Last year’s program was a resounding success, attracting over 1,800 Bochurim from more than 35 Mesivtas across the United States, Canada, and Europe. This year, we expect even more participants to join in the excitement of learning about Moshiach.

    We warmly invite Shluchim and Hanhalos of Yeshivos to sign up here.

    As we look forward to this year’s Siyum, we hope and pray that it will take place way after the coming of Moshiach. Together, we will celebrate the true and complete Geulah with the Rebbe, culminating from our collective efforts throughout Golus, especially through our dedicated learning about Geulah and Moshiach.



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