Shluchim Bring Simchas Purim To Woodmere




    Seder Nashim

    Shluchim Bring Simchas Purim To Woodmere

    Once again the joy of Purim was felt in the usually quiet suburban streets of Woodmere. Chabad Shliach, Rabbi Efraim Setton arranged a Mitzva Tank, as well as megillah readings every hour on the hour, as well as many other readings throughout town; private parties, elderly and homebound, businesses and restaurants, and even for some special people who might not be regular shul goers and heard megillah in the comfort of their homes! • Full Story, Photos

    Once again the joy of Purim was felt in the usually quiet suburban streets of Woodmere.

    Chabad Shliach, Rabbi Efraim Setton arranged a Mitzva Tank, with a group of bochurim and his children to distribute hundreds of mishloach manos. People were overjoyed by their spirit, danced, made L’Chaims and heard Purim-style divrei Torah. Many went into the Mitzva Tank, inspired by its message.

    Chabad of Woodmere also arranged megillah reading every hour on the hour, as well as many other readings throughout town; private parties, elderly and homebound, businesses & restaurants, and even for some special people who might not be regular shul goers and heard megillah in the comfort of their homes!

    What a joyous Purim!


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    1. Wow unbelievable!

      shluchim Rabbi Efraim & Sarah Mina Setton do so much!

    2. Anonymous

      #1 shluchim in the world!

    3. Wow

      amazing work

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