Ohel Nosson Shul Celebrates First New Sefer Torah




    Ohel Nosson Shul Celebrates First New Sefer Torah

    Photos by Shalom Ross for Chabadinfo

    On Sunday afternoon, the vibrant Ohel Nosson Shul at 580 Crown Street celebrated the completion of their first Sefer Torah. The Torah was dedicated to the Members of the Shul • Full Story, Photos

    On Purim of last year, the Ohel Nosson Shul at 580 Crown Street started writing their first Sefer Torah with members writing the first letters of the new Sefer Torah. The Torah was dedicated to the Members of the Shul.

    This achievement is a shared simcha of every individual who dedicated a Parsha, and every individual who counts themselves among the members, members-at-large, friends and supporters of Ohel Nosson.

    This past Sunday, 12 months almost to the day, the shul celebrated its festive Siyum.

    The final words were written at 825 Eastern Parkway, where the Shul was founded, 16 years ago.  At 4:00 pm, the new Torah was paraded along ALabany Ave towards the shul’s current home at 580 Crown Street, for Hakafos and Seudas Mitzvah.



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