100,000 Memorial Candles Lit at the Kosel




    Seder Nashim

    100,000 Memorial Candles Lit at the Kosel

    On the 100th day since the tragic massacre, the Kosel marked the lighting of 100,000 memorial candles. These candles were lit throughout this challenging period by bereaved families and Kosel Daveners in memory of the victims who fell from Simchas Torah to the present day • Read More, Video, Photos

    On the 100th day since the tragic massacre, the Kosel marked the lighting of 100,000 memorial candles. These candles were lit throughout this challenging period by bereaved families and Kosel Daveners in memory of the victims who fell from Simchas Torah to the present day.

    Today (Sunday), a powerful ceremony of lighting memorial candles took place with the families of the abducted and bereaved, who came specifically for Davening at the Kosel and to light memorial candles for the Neshamos of those who were murdered and fell in the “Swords of Iron” war.

    Over the past 100 days, numerous moving Davening ceremonies took place, uniting families of the bereaved, families of the hostages, wounded individuals, soldiers and reservists, family members, Magen David Adom volunteers, Zaka volunteers, police officers, firefighters and rescue personnel, and the general public, who came to the Kosel for Davening.

    100,000 memorial candles were lit in the Kosel Plaza at a dedicated memorial candle structure, initiated by the “Klal Yisrael – Together We Will Win” association whom came especially with the families today to mark this day with a special Tefilah.
    The memorial candles are replaced daily by the Kosel Heritage Foundation’s Workers. Many times, at the Kosel, one encounters a chilling and emotional scene where families of the murdered and fallen search for the names of their loved ones among the hundreds of names listed on the board, which unfortunately keeps being updated, and they light candles in pain and longing for the elevation of their Neshamos.


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