Hundreds Spend Lively Shabbos in Haditch




    Seder Nashim

    Hundreds Spend Lively Shabbos in Haditch

    Hundreds of Anash and guests who Arrived to spend Chof Daled Teves in Haditch, spent their Shabbos at the Ohel’s Shul in Haditch under the management of the local Shliach Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deitch, who is responsible for the Tzion and guest house  Full Story, Photos, Videos

    Hundreds of Anash and and guests who Arrived to spend Chof Daled Teves in Haditch, spent their Shabbos at the Ohel’s Shul in Haditch under the management of the local Shliach Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deitch, who is responsible for the Tzion and guest house.

    During Shabbos, Anash and Bochurim Farbrenged with Mashpi’im Rabbi Chaim Shalom Deitch, and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Foigel. They also had the opportunity to hear from Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitz – Rov of the Kosel, Rabbi Meir Stambler – the Shliach to Dnieper, Rabbi Eli Chafer and Rabbi Zelig Althuis from the Yeshiva in Dnieper.

    On Motzei Shabbos, there was an Upsherenish for the son of Rabbi Chefer.



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