American Bochurim in Tzfas Yeshiva Prepare for Yud Shvat




    Seder Nashim

    American Bochurim in Tzfas Yeshiva Prepare for Yud Shvat

    A special Mivtza to better prepare for Yud Shvat is taking place at the American Bochurim learning the Chabad Yeshiva of Tzfas  Full Story, Photos

    The American Bochurim learning in the Chabad Yeshiva of Tzfas have the unique opportunity to have a devoted Shliach specifically for them.

    Hatomim Mendel Banin has put together a Mivtza to help the Bochurim prepare for Yud Shvat. Which includes extra learning, Shiurim and Mivtzoim.

    This is helping the Bochurim fill in the gaps between Sedorim to be more prepared for the special day of Yud Shvat.

    The Mivtza also has incentives such as raffles on Seforim and money towards a flight to visit the Rebbe for Yud Shvat.




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