Vaad Hakinus: We Are Ready and Working Towards Achdus




    Seder Nashim

    Vaad Hakinus: We Are Ready and Working Towards Achdus

    In light of recent calls that the upcoming Kinus Hashluchim should be one. The Vaad Hakinus published a letter, “We agree to do everything possible on our side, to bring change that all the family of Shluchim – even though there may be difference of opinion – should come together for one Kinus Hashluchim with love and unity.” • Full Letter

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    “In light of the tremendous awakening of Ahavas and Achdus Yisroel on display around the world, it is time for Shluchim and Anash to show the world our own display of Ahavas Yisrael and give our Rebbe nachas.”

    That is the opening paragraph of a recent global petition signed by 400 Shluchim worldwide, calling for one Kinus Hashluchim.

    The petition continues: “Following the horrific attacks in Israel, we are witnessing an unparalleled global wave of ahavas Yisroel. This tsunami of good deeds and kind acts involves Yidden of every age, religious, legal and background. Kibbutznikim are working arm in arm with Chareidim for a single goal. It is a powerful display of how, in essence, we are truly one.

    “As the Rebbe’s shluchim, models of ahavas chinam, who sit at the epicenter of the Jewish world, our achdus at this critical time will surely have an incredible impact on world Jewry.

    “Within Lubavitch, the microcosm of the Jewish nation, we have differences. But deeper still, we have a shared purpose and an essential unity. We humbly suggest that the organizers of both Kinusim meet, find common ground, and, as much as possible, arrange a Kinus that is truly united in mind, body, and spirit.”

    In response to this Vaad Hakinus Hashluchim came out with a letter demanding one Kinus Hashluchim:

    In a time that our brethren are at war in our Holy Land, and a great awakening has occurred amongst our fellow Yidden, it is a most opportune moment that all the Rebbe’s Shluchim unite and display a leadership role, especially in the realm of Ahavas Yisroel.

    There is no doubt, that such a display of Achdus among the Shluchim will have great results, and will be the final act to the Geulah, as the Rebbe said to Reb Yisroel a”h Leibov;

    “If all the Askonei Chabad were united, Moshiach would have long come. That’s why the ‘yetzer hara’ rules with wily and wicked thoughts, that are totally without merit or wisdom, and for now ‘rachmona litzlan’, has succeeded in fomenting war among brothers. May Hashem have mercy”.

    Therefore, we agree to do everything possible on our side, to bring change that all the family of Shluchim – even though there may be difference of opinion – should come together for one Kinus Hashluchim with love and unity.

    We are ready, willing and able, to sit together as soon as possible to accomplish this task. This absolute show of unity is desperately needed, and all sides must be willing to search and find the way to a common understanding and goal.



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    1. David Cohen

      Where is the response from the other side?

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    Vaad Hakinus: We Are Ready and Working Towards Achdus


