Is It Time To Speak About “One Kinus Hashluchim”?




    Seder Nashim

    Is It Time To Speak About “One Kinus Hashluchim”?

    Photo: Dov Ber Hechtman/Chabadinfo

    Op-Ed by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Cincinnati, Ohio I would like to start by being open and honest: When I wrote a few months ago that I would stop writing public opinion pieces, I meant it. There is a time and place for everything and I felt that Shnas Hakhel was the time for it. Yet, with the war raging in Eretz Yisroel – and it being obvious that even “shnas Hakhel” was not able to accomplish the necessary achdus between the Shluchim  – I decided to write the following thoughts on this very sensitive subject Full Article

    By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Cincinnati, Ohio

    I would like to start by being open and honest: When I wrote a few months ago that I would stop writing public opinion pieces, I meant it. There is a time and place for everything and I felt that Shnas Hakhel was the time for it. Yet, with the war raging in Eretz Yisroel – and it being obvious that even “shnas Hakhel” was not able to accomplish the necessary achdus between the Shluchim  – I decided to write the following thoughts on this very sensitive subject.

    I was especially encouraged when I saw the following answer of the Rebbe (Igros volume 34 page 21 #11,607) that the Rebbe wrote to Rabbi Yisroel Leibov (director of Tzach in Israel who wrote to the Rebbe how much could be accomplished if all the Askanim of Anash were united): “(if they were united) Moshiach would have already come. Therefore the Yetzer Hara is very active and uses all types of reasoning and tactics – which are completely illogical (to keep the divisions active) and – as of now – has been successful R”L to create a civil war (amongst the askanim of Anash). Hashem should have mercy.”

    This article is being written with the following premises and foundations: 1) Achdus is the vessel for all Brachos. These include brachos for Anash, Shluchim and Klal Yisroel.  2) The greatest Nachas that we give our Rebbe (our father) is if his children are united. 3) It is impossible to go out into the world and advocate for Shalom and Achdus when there is these blatant machlokes  – from a Chassidus which is supposedly based on “Luba-love” – in the public eye.  4) The Machlokes is turning off our children from Shlichus and Yiddishkeit. In short: Klal Yisroel is in a desperate time of need and this Machlokes needs to stop.

    As someone that has participated in “achdus negotiations” in the past, and also has seen first-hand the terrible results of Machlokes, I have learned a few things:

    1) We all must realize that both sides are functional and can continue in this current state for years to come. Thus, the thought that one side will just stop on its own  – and cease to exist – is wishful thinking.  2) In order to forge ahead with Achdus, it is imperative to forget the past and not get stuck in “who was right and wrong”. The bright future, instead of the dark past, must be the guiding light. 3) There will always be two groups of people which will try to prevent the Achdus: A) The “Puritans”: Those that feel that “giving in” is a sign of weakness and forsaking “the truth”. B) The “Mecharchei Riv”: The few influential people that benefit (influence and power) from active machlokes. They feel that their influence will be diminished if unity happens and they will come up with all different reasons why “their side” should not “give in to terror”. 4) An objective third-party is of utmost importance.  5) Some type of compromise – in which each side feels that their dignity remains intact – must be part of the solution. 6) Not every detail can be ironed out at the beginning of the process but a system is set up in which these details will be worked through down the line. Too many times “perfectionism gets in the way of productivity”.

    I have also personally seen the following: 1) When the two sides finally agree to meet, they find out that their disagreements are not as big as they originally thought. With respectful negotiation – built on mutual trust and goodwill – the differences are ironed out. 2) Both parties are happier – in the long-term and short-term – with peace. 3) Their ability to truly inspire others grows exponentially. I have heard, and read, many people’s thoughts of possible  practical “solutions”, but have chosen not to share them here. The reason: I do not want those personal thoughts to distract from my core message and intent in writing this article: It is vital that everyone – yes everyone – should make their voice heard loud and clear that they would like to see the “leadership” take any steps necessary to work this through.

    Speak to your local Rav,Shliach, Senior Shliach, Vaad Hakinus member or anyone that you feel could make a difference and share your thoughts and feelings about the above. I am urging people with influence, and money, to get involved and give over the message: Things need to change by this upcoming Kinus!

    I know that there may be some people rolling their eyes and thinking to themselves that this is impossible to accomplish. I would like to ask you the following questions: 1) Do you know of Shluchim that have made achdus together after years of Machlokes? Are they happier 2) Do you know of communities where the Rabbanim had machlokes for years and – almost  overnight – made achdus? 3) Did you ever think that Israeli citizens would unite overnight after months of bitter demonstrations?

    It could happen because it must happen. The Rebbe is ready to be nisgaleh and we must do our part to make him feel welcome.

    Davening for the safety and security of Klal Yisroel and for the Hisgalus of Melech Hamoshiach!

    Rabbi Gershon Avtzon
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Please feel free to share your thoughts, or possible solutions,  on the above in the comments section or by sending me a personal email: [email protected]


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    1. Efraim Tessler

      In 770 on 11 Nissan there was a unilateral gathering of Yeshivos.
      It’s likely the same organizers could arrange a gathering again with this crowd.
      Surely most all attendees and organizers have something they can appreciate at the same place and at the same time.

    2. Thank You!!!!

      Someone finally speaks up!

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