Shluchim Selling Chosson Torah. Need a Shidduch?




    Seder Nashim

    Shluchim Selling Chosson Torah. Need a Shidduch?

    Chosson Torah and Bereishis are known for many segulahs. Many people who were in shidduchim took them and saw blessings. Bereishis is well-known for bringing wealth • Full Story

    Chosson Torah and Bereishis are known for many segulahs. Many people who were in shidduchim took them and saw blessings.

    Bereishis is well-known for bringing wealth. It’s common for larger synagogues to request a modest donation for these honors, but many shluchim who could truly benefit from the support are willing to offer these aliyahs at a reasonable rate.

    At, we’ve been searching for ways to assist shluchim, many of whom struggle to find financial support. We maintain a list of shluchim who are ready to release these honors for around $500. Please email [email protected] or send a WhatsApp to +1.718.781.6405, and we’ll connect you with one of them. You can choose to make a pledge to be paid off over the course of the year.

    Personally, as a bochur, I purchased one and paid the shliach $770 over a few months. The week I finished paying it off, I met my wife. I’ve also heard countless stories of individuals with similar experiences. It has proven effective for shidduchim and bringing wealth. You can gain the merit, and at the same time, a shliach who truly needs assistance can receive much-needed support.

    Yosef Shidler
    Executive Director,


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