Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin, 83, OBM




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    Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin, 83, OBM

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin, beloved patriarch to a respected Lubavitch family, and scion of great chassidic masters. He passed away early Wednesday morning, 15th of Menachem Av 5783 • Full Story

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin, beloved patriarch to a respected Lubavitch family, and scion of great chassidic masters. He passed away early Wednesday morning, 15th of Menachem Av 5783.

    He was 83.

    His father was HoRav Moshe Yosef Rubin, the Kimpelunger Ruv, a descendant of the Chassidic Rebbes of Kosov, Ropschitz, Belz, and Savran, a leading rabbinic figure in pre-war Bukovina and Romania, and a well-known Holocaust hero, founding and leading the Vaad Hatzolah in Bucharest during the Second World War. His mother was Rebbetzin Sarah Rubin, nee Farkas.

    Born in 1939 in Campulung before the war started in Romania, Reb Yaakov spent the war years with his parents in the relative safety of Bucharest.

    In 1948, the family emigrated to the USA, first settling in Long Beach, NY and later moved to Borough Park, where Rav Moshe Yosef served as head of Beis Din Vaad HaRabonim.

    After studying at the Mirer Yeshiva and Torah Vo’Daas, R’ Yaakov married Leah Drizin, daughter of Reb Avrohom Drizin (Mayorer). Living in Borough Park for nearly 6 decades, together they built a bais neeman b’yisroel, with doros yeshorim umevurachim.

    Professionally, R’ Yaakov was an electrical engineer and had a noteworthy career, serving Chief Scientist at ITT Avionics, Defense and Electronics, and president of ITT Aerospace Controls.

    R’ Yaakov was a driving force in the summer community of Tannersville, NY where he served for decades as president of Congregation Anshei Hasharon.

    He is survived by his wife Leah Rubin and their children Chaya New of Melbourne, Australia, Rivkah Denburg of Boca Raton, Florida, Rochel Butman of Crown Heights/ Westchester, Dinah Brawer of Crown Heights, Dvorah Glick of Crown Heights, Chana Silberstein of Larchmont, NY, Esti Mochkin of Crown Heights, and Moshe Yosef Rubin of Pomona, NY; and by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    He was predeceased by his older brother, Dr. Schmelke Rubin of Montreal and Lawrence.

    The Levaya will take place today, Wednesday, at 12 pm at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, 3803 14th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218

    The Aron will pass by 770 at 1 pm, followed by Kvurah at Old Montefiore cemetery, 226-20 Francis Lewis Blvd. Cambria Heights, NY 11411

    Shiva this week will be at 1261 50th Street, Brooklyn, NY. More details to follow.

    Baruch Dayan Haemes


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