Record-Breaking Achievement as 8th Children’s Sefer Torah Completed




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    Record-Breaking Achievement as 8th Children’s Sefer Torah Completed

    With tremendous speed and participation, the eighth Children’s Sefer Torah has reached completion, thanks to the enthusiastic response from tens of thousands of children who secured their letters in recent weeksFull Story

    In the historic Tzemach Tzedek Shul in Yerushalayim, the final letters of the eighth Children’s Sefer Torah were completed, marking a significant achievement for the initiative. The project, initiated by the Rebbe on Yud Alef Nissan 5741, aimed to unite Jewish children worldwide through the Torah.

    The completion of this Sefer Torah is the result of the dedicated efforts of a committed group of bochurim and yungeleit, who worked tirelessly to ensure its completion during this Hakhel year. However, at the outset, only about half of the letters were secured, presenting a challenge for the organizers.

    Undeterred, the bochurim, yungeleit, and shluchim works tirelessly to promote the cause of Ois B’Sefer Torah. Their hard work and determination paid off, as they successfully signed up 170,000 children for letters in the Torah since Chanukah alone.

    To appreciate the magnitude of this achievement, it is important to consider the historical context. While the first Children’s Sefer Torah was completed within months, subsequent Torahs took longer. In fact, the previous six Torahs were written over a span of forty years, averaging one Torah every eight years.

    The upcoming siyum, celebrating the completion of the eighth Children’s Sefer Torah, will take place at the Kosel in Yerushalayim on Chof Av, the yahrzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Harav Levi Yitzchak Scheerson.


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