Over $400,000 Awarded to Kevutzah Bochurim




    Seder Nashim

    Over $400,000 Awarded to Kevutzah Bochurim

    The revolution continues! The ‘Igud Talmidei Hakvutza, which ran an overwhelmingly successful ‘Yissachar and Zvulun’ learning initiative program for bochurim learning in Tomchei Temimim – 770 continues, and earlier this month it gave out its next round of grants • Full Story, Photos

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    The revolution continues!

    ‘Igud Talmidei Hakvutza’, which operates an overwhelmingly successful ‘Yissachar and Zvulun’ learning initiative program for bochurim learning in Tomchei Temimim – 770 continues, and earlier this month it gave out its next round of grants.

    As ChabadInfo has reported many times, ‘Yissachar and Zvulun’ is a program that incentivizes bochurim to keep sidrei hayeshiva and learn with great energy and interest by providing financial incentives to help them cover the costs of being in 770.

    Last yeshiva year, as well as throughout the summer, the bochurim participated in a wide variety of learning tracks, which they themselves chose. Whether it was Hemshech Samech Vov, Gemara Shabbos, Geulah u’moshiach or Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, the temimim learned with great chayus and successfully passed the tests for each respective track.

    At the end of Iyar and the beginning of Sivan, tests were held on the monthly learning, the test was held in dining room of 1414. The grants were awarded to the Temimim in 770, total ranked up to over $400,000!

    This test is in preparation for the finals which will be held at the end of the Summer.

    * * *

    ATO’s ‘Yissachar V’Zevulun’ scholarship program helps Kevutza’s Bouchrim financially so they can sit and learn without worry or financial struggle.

    The great sight repeats itself every month and now for the tenth time, after the examination of the tests, the distribution of scholarships worth tens of thousands of dollars was held to finance the personal expenses of the Temimim.

    The goal of the project is clear, so that every Tomim can invest all his energy in learning the Torah without having to worry about basic living expenses on his own. And the results speak for themselves and many of the Temimim see the enormous profit they have from their participation in the project, both b’ruchnius and B’ashmios aspect.

    How Does It Works? Five serious study tracks have been opened with goals for the whole year, at the end of each month there is a test and at the beginning of the following month each Tomim receives a respectable financial scholarship for personal financing!

    The first track is in the learning Hemshech 5656, so that during the year they will learn and finish all the ma’amarim in the Hemshech.

    A Second track is Practical Halacha, in such a way that they will learn and finish Chelek Alef of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch.

    A Third track is in the Girsa, Daf by daf, in a way they will learn and finish Meseches Gittin in one year.

    The Fourth track, Geulah U’Moshiach, so that throughout the year they will learn and complete Likutei Sichos Geulah U’Moshiach!

    The Fifth track is learning meseches Gittin with Rashi and Tosfos and finish it in one year.






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