Chassidim In Ohio: Dr. Michoel Vilensky




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    Chassidim In Ohio: Dr. Michoel Vilensky

    Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is the Yartzeit of Dr. Michoel Vilensky (buried in Cincinnati) whose father was the famous Chassid from Kremenchuk – Reb Chaim Ber Vilensky. Rabbi Gershon Avtzon explores in his series of ‘Chassidim in Ohio’ • Full Story, Listen

    Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is the Yartzeit of Dr. Michoel Vilensky (buried in Cincinnati) whose father was the famous Chassid from Kremenchuk – R Chaim Ber Vilensky (one of the “bereleach”).

    His father was the one that received the letter of the Rebbe Rashab explaining the Avodah that was needed to be done in America – Chatzi Kadus hatachton.

    Rabbi Gershon Avtzon explores in his series of ‘Chassidim in Ohio’:



    A questionnaire that the Frierdike Rebbe asked him to fill out about his father is available in the Perspectives Fifteen. They also added some context about his time in America:

    In 5695 (1935), Reb Michoel came to America and settled in Cincinnati where he worked as librarian in a local Jewish Library and was friendly with Rabbi Leizer Silver, chief rabbi of Cincinnati and head of Agudas Horabbonim.

    During Aseres Yemei Teshuva 5707 (1946), the Frierdiker Rebbe requested of him to write his memories and feelings of the time he spent in Lubavitch, adding “My father, the Rebbe, drew you very near, in a meaningful way, more than R. Zalman Betzalel and the other 13-14 yoshvim.”

    In his last letter to Reb Michoel, five days before his passing, the Frierdiker Rebbe asks him to prepare an in-depth article regarding what is written in Pardes of the Ramak about one who doesn’t believe in Kabala. Reb Michoel agreed, and in a letter from 11 Shvat he writes (he hadn’t yet found out about the histalkus):

    “My wife and I are very grateful to the Rebbe for taking interest in our well-being and for his exceptional blessings. “The Rebbe’s offer to write an article… Surely it is intended for publication in some journal or newspaper, and I consider it an honor and thank the Rebbe for this. I will IY”H look into the matter and as soon as I have something I will notify the Rebbe.

    “Michoel Zalman, son of my father and master Rabbi Yitzchok Chaim Dov Halevi nishmaso eden.” During the following years, the Rebbe corresponded several times with Reb Michoel. At one point he offered the Rebbe three books of handwritten maamorim of the Tzemach Tzedek that he had. The Rebbe sent R. Yosef Goldstein (Chmelnik), who served as a shochet in Cincinnati, to collect them from him.


    Letters between him and the Rabbeim:


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