1600 Bochurim Take First Moshiach Chidon Test




    1600 Bochurim Take First Moshiach Chidon Test

    Last Thursday, over 1,600 bochurim from across the globe took the first Moshiach Chidon test. After dedicating weeks of learning, reviewing and preparing for the test • Full Story, Photos

    Last Thursday, over 1,600 bochurim from across the globe took the first Moshiach Chidon test.

    After dedicating weeks of learning, reviewing and preparing for the test, the bochurim demonstrated an impressive level of knowledge and commitment to learning of Inyonei Geula and Moshiach.

    The test covered the first booklet in the new curriculum provided by the Moshiach Chidon.

    The participants’ dedication and hard work paid off, as all the bochurim who passed the test were entered into an exciting raffle with dozens of sets of seforim as prizes.

    Now, bochurim are eagerly learning the second booklet. The next test will take place on Tuesday 25 Iyar, and those who pass will be eligible to take the final test and ultimately join the Moshiach Chidon banquet in Crown Heights on Gimmel Tammuz.

    The Moshiach Chidon organizers are thrilled with the success of the first test and hope that the continued learning and Koch in learning about Moshiach will give the Rebbe much nachas.

    As we all know, the more we discuss and understand Moshiach and Geulah, the more we start living it, and the closer we are to bringing the ultimate Geula. May it be now!

    The Winners:

    Shulchan Aruch Habohir – Yehuda Lowenbein, Monsey

    Likkutei Sichos – Dovid Lison, Montreal

    Mishnayos Kehati – Boruch Sandhouse, Oholei Torah

    Sefer Hasichos 47-52 – Moshe Matusof, Pomona

    Rambam Leam – Zalman Lew, Los Angles

    Rambam Even Yisroel – Baruch Lavon, Connecticut

    Piskei Teshuvos – Tzvi Kleinman, Toronto

    Chumash Shai Lemora – Yehoshua Pinson, Kingston

    Likkutei Diburim – Shmuel Danan, Bernoy

    My Prayer – Avraham Greenberg, Coral Springs

    Samarkand – Rafi Kortash, Toronto

    Samarkand – Matti Weingarten, Wilkes Barre

    Samarkand – Chaim Lubensky, Bernoy

    Samarkand – Moshe Lang, Monsey

    Samarkand – Nossen Gurarie, Oholei Torah

    Biurim Liperkei Avos – Sholom Shilag, Queens

    Biurim Liperkei Avos – Yaeir Rosenshain, Argentina

    Biurim Liperkei Avos – Eli Tennenhaus, Miami

    Biurim Liperkei Avos – Eli Palace, Cincinnati

    Biurim Liperkei Avos – Mendel Alzem       Bernoy

    Hatomim – Tzvi Zalmanov, Westchester

    Hatomim – Eitan BenYaacov, Parris

    Hatomim – Eli Rosenfeld, New Haven

    Hatomim – Mendel Lewis, London

    Hatomim – Berel Stern, Melburne

    Hamelech Bemisibo – Moshe Hornbacher, Darchei Menachem

    Hamelech Bemisibo – Menachem Rosenstein, New Haven

    Hamelech Bemisibo – Shmuel Nelkin, Chovevi Torah

    Hamelech Bemisibo – Eli Steinmetz, Pomona

    Hamelech Bemisibo – Chananya Gurarie, Toronto


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