Cincinnati Yeshiva Escorts Levaya of Hatomim Meir Likhovetski, OBM




    Cincinnati Yeshiva Escorts Levaya of Hatomim Meir Likhovetski, OBM

    The staff and students of Yeshivas Lubavitch – Cincinnati escorted the levaya of Hatomim Meir Likhovetski this morning, as it passed in front of the yeshiva building. The body is currently en route to Toronto, Meir’s hometown, where he will be laid to rest • Full Story, Photos

    The staff and students of Yeshivas Lubavitch – Cincinnati escorted the levaya of Hatomim Meir Likhovetski this morning, as it passed in front of the yeshiva building. The body is currently en route to Toronto, Meir’s hometown, where he will be laid to rest

    Meir Likhovetski, 19 a Lubavitcher bochur from Toronto who was spending the year on shlichus in Mason, Ohio and was tragically killed in a horrific car accident on Monday evening, 5 Adar II, 5782.

    Meir was spending the year on shlichus in Mason, Ohio, helping the shliach out with CTeen programs. He would travel every day to the Cincinnati Yeshiva to spend time learning Torah.

    Meir was a bochur who gave his heart and soul to the Rebbe’s inyanim, He was active in projects like Kovetz Haoros and the Igros Kodesh app, making it easier and more accessible to learn the Rebbe’s Torah.


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