Can You Kasher a Microwave?




    Can You Kasher a Microwave?

    Kashering a microwave from milchigs to fleishigs or from fleishigs to milchigs on a regular basis is not appropriate, since it is a generally accepted custom not to kasher regularly back and forth. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, member of the Badatz of Crown Heights • Full Article

    By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, member of the Badatz of Crown Heights

    Kashering a microwave from milchigs to fleishigs or from fleishigs to milchigs on a regular basis is not appropriate, since it is a generally accepted custom not to kasher regularly back and forth.

    However, if inadvertently fleishigs was put into a milchig microwave or vice versa, the halachah is that one should wait twenty-four hours until the microwave is no longer a ben yomo, and then it can be kashered.

    There are two ways a microwave can be kashered, and preferably one should employ both methods.

    One method is to first cover/seal the vent and then pouring boiling water on all of the microwave’s surfaces.

    The second way is to place a cup of water into the microwave, put it on the highest setting, and let it heat up for a minute or two until the inside of the microwave is full of steam.

    Since the area under the cup of water did not get kashered, this process should be repeated with the cup placed in a different spot.

    Many are stringent and maintain that the glass spinning plate should not be kashered.


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    1. malka

      Can this be used to kasher from Treif (not the spinner)?

    2. Y. M. Hammer

      Can a treif microwave be koshered?

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