London Yeshiva Goes to the Rebbe




    London Yeshiva Goes to the Rebbe

    For the first time in many years, the entire Yeshiva Gedola Lubavitch of London flew to New York to spend Yud Shvat by the Rebbe, for an uplifting, heart-warming experience, filled with Farbrengens, Sedorim and Shiurim, after a powerful Hachana for over 30 days • Full Story, Photos

    For the first time in many years, the entire Yeshiva Gedola Lubavitch of London flew to New York to spend Yud Shvat by the Rebbe, for an uplifting, heart-warming experience, filled with Farbrengens, Sedorim and Shiurim, after a powerful Hachana for over 30 days.

    The Shluchim of YGL arranged for all the Bochurim in the Yeshiva to fly in to New York for Yud Shvat. This trip included an incredible program of learning- Seder Chassidus, Seder niglah, Shiurim, Farbrengens, going to the Ohel and much more, skillfully arranged by the Shluchim.

    Due to the Bochurim’s great effort in making a solid Hachana for Yud Shvat, learning nearly 2,000 Osiyos of the Rebbe’s Maamorim, memorized them by heart as well as the Maamar Bassi L’Gani, coming exactly on time to Sedorim, getting over 80% on tests, and many more details the Bochurim worked very hard on for over a month.

    Just as the plane descended into New York, the Bochurim were inspired to hear a warm welcome announcement from one of the flight attendants, acknowledging the Rebbe as the world’s Jewish leader, followed by a big round of applause from the crowd.

    Arriving Thursday night, the bochurim were greeted in the airport by the previous London Shluchim together with fresh danishes and drinks.

    A lavish breakfast followed by special Mivtzoyim was arranged for the Bochurim on Friday, including an exclusive Mivtzah tank, with which dozens of Jews put on Tefillin and heard divrei Torah.

    Joining the international Yeshivos from across the globe, the Bochurim enjoyed an inspiring grand Farbrengen in Oholei Torah, until the wee hours of the Morning with guest Mashpi’im, former students and friends. Aliyos were arranged for the Bochurim on Shabbos, together with a Seder Chassidus. Davening was followed by Farbrengens in 770, together with the guests who came in from abroad.

    Motzoi Shabbos started off with a grand Farbrengen hosted by the Sputz family, where the importance of making Yud Shvat apply to our day to day lives was discussed.

    After a sumptuous breakfast, the Bochurim were honored to have a special Shiur on Sunday from Rabbi Hanoka of the OK who spoke all about Kashrus.

    A special Seder of learning Mishnayos was then held in memory of one of our sponsors, חיים אהרן בן בערקע ע“ה who unfortunately passed away right before Yud Shvat, may his Neshama have an Aliya.

    YGL was privileged to hear a special Shiur on Sunday night from Rabbi Feldman of Oholei Torah, who spoke all about this year’s Bassi L’gani Maamor. This culminated in an inspiring farbrengen late into the night.

    After the Rebbes Minyan on Monday, the Bochurim made their way to the Ohel, with special transportation arranged by the Shluchim. Returning to crown heights, the Bochurim got an exclusive tour of the Frierdike Rebbe’s apartment, which was really enjoyed by all.

    Then, joining all Bochurim from across the globe, the Bochurim joined “an hour with the Rebbe”, a video of the Rebbe specially arranged for Yud Shvat, Followed by a grand Farbrengen in 770 with Mashpia Rabbi Gordon of London. The Farbrengen was joined by hundreds of former students and Anash, and continued until the wee hours of the morning, after the Bochurim took Hachlotos Tovos for the coming months of Yeshiva.

    Taking advantage of the last few hours by the Rebbe, the Bochurim used the time to wrap up the inspiration that they took out of Yud Shvat, which will IY”H last for many months to come.

    Before boarding the busses the Bochurim gathered for a group picture in front of 770, followed by a joyous dance ‘Tayere Brider’, onto the busses.

    We would like to thank all those who helped make this a possibility, including the Hanhalah, especially Rabbi Gordon. The Sputz family for hosting a Farbrengen, as well as our sponsors,, Rabbi Moshe Drizin, Rabbi Hertz, and anonymous sponsors who helped cover the costs of this amazing trip.

    To help the YGL shluchim in their future projects, please visit


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    1. Wow!

      I wonder how the Shluchim pulled that off!

    2. Label

      Go London Shluchim!

    3. Chaim

      Best Shluchim keep it up!

    4. Kingsley Way

      YG london is a great yeshiva for a certain type of bochur. If you are that type, go for it! you will have a blast and gain tremendously in your chassidishkeit! Yechi Hamelech!

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