Prager: The Rebbe Was Right




    Prager: The Rebbe Was Right

    On Dennis Prager‘s radio show, he discusses the Rebbe’s opposing view to going to college. He explains that only years later did he understand how the Rebbe was right, going to college messes with your values • Listen

    1. Yudi

      But didn’t the Rebbe himself go to college?

    2. eli

      how many times did the rebbe tell people when asked exactly that, “if someone jumps off a cliff a survives will jump off as well?”

    3. Yudi

      But he wasn’t the only one that went to college and “survived“. Rav Soleveitchik, Rav Hutner to just name two who also became great Rabonim. Many thousands more laypeople went and remained Frum.

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