‘Moment of Silence’ Helps Kids




    Seder Nashim

    ‘Moment of Silence’ Helps Kids

    Rabbi Frank brings the great concept of having children of public schools participate in the important and powerful moment of silence, where the children can think of G-d each day • Watch

    1. Boruch N Hoffinger

      Rabbi Avraham Frank is doing a wonderful thing along with the principals & teachers. However ( no criticism of Rabbi Frank or others) what happens to these kids when they enter high school? ‘
      Leaders’ agree, and classes are taught in sex education. Laurie Columbo believes in distributing contraceptives because “They’re going to do it anyway.”
      Is this ‘leadership?’
      So here, it seems to me, (Please correct me if I’m wrong.) that high school can undo all this good, and college/university, perhaps, even more.
      It’s known in ‘Torah’ that sexual immorality is one of the most power forces to undo any G-dliness that one can achieve. Shouldn’t our ‘leaders’ be discouraging pre-marital sex?
      Here’s another:
      Discussions on safer sex that includes medical information about both
      birth control and barriers, including how to access and use gloves, dental
      dams and condoms
      What do you think?
      [email protected]

    2. Boruch N Hoffinger

      I should have also added: ( no criticism of Rabbi Frank or others) what happens to these kids when they enter MIDDLE SCHOOL or high school? ‘

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