Mamesh Music Performance of Crown Heights




    Mamesh Music Performance of Crown Heights

    Last Thursday, 1 Tamuz, Mamesh Music held their 4th annual end of year recital at Beis Levi Yitzchok. There were two separate recitals for the boys and girls program. Over 70 students performed a large range of Niggunim on the keyboard, piano, violin, flute, guitar, drums, percussion, and even mandolin!
    The highlight of the event was the Boys Orchestra and the Girls Ensemble.

    Parents were impressed at the progress the students have made over the year and appreciated seeing their children play Chabad Niggunim with skill and proper technique.

    Mamesh Music would like to show it’s appreciation to all the staff and teachers, and a big BRAVO to all students!

    Inquiries for next year or summer classes should be directed to 347-770-0142 or [email protected]

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