Use Your Present! – Life Lessons




    What Should We Use To Connect To The Rebbe?

    What Should We Use To Connect To The Rebbe? – Learning Time with My Maor Kids. Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: • Watch

    What is a Nosi?

    Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: • Watch

    What Should A Jewish Child Add In Every Day?

    Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: MyMaor.orgWatch

    Weapons Against The Yetzer Hara – Learning Time with My Maor Kids

    What are our weapons in our war against the Yetzer Hara? Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: MyMaor.orgWatch

    Who Composed The Nigun Kol Dodi?

    Who Composed The Nigun Kol Dodi? Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: MyMaor.orgWatch

    Who is the Rambam compared to on his Kever?

    Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: MyMaor.orgWatch

    What can the Jewish Children do that will bring the Geulah?

    Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: MyMaor.orgWatch

    Wisest Men – Learning Time with My Maor Kids

    How could Rabbi Yehoshua say “Yidden are smarter than the wisest men of Athens?” Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: MyMaor.orgWatch

    Who Liked The Niggun Vayancheim Lavetach Very Much?

    Maor KIDS presents another beautiful video of the Rebbe. To sign up for the ‘Kids Rebbe Video’ WhatsApp: 347-687-8770 or go to: • Watch

    The Alef-Beis Song

    The Alef-Beis are the building blocks of creation and of Jewish life. In honor of their son Chaim’s Upsherin, the Shain family produced a new upbeat Alef-Beis song for all to enjoy. Lyrics & Vocals by: The Shains. Music by: Music Studio NYC • Watch

    Use Your Present! – Life Lessons


