Chayolei Releases New Camp CD




    Seder Nashim

    Chayolei Releases New Camp CD

    After receiving tremendous feedback on their previous music album – Holding Hands United, Camp Chayolei Hamelech has now taken it to the next level with the release of their second album titled “Open Your Eyes” • Full Story, Video, Order

    1. Camper

      I spot Zalmy the Chosson (00:38)!!! Great job! Thanks to all those who put it together!

    2. Parent

      Wow, really amazing sound’s really nice, other camp’s should learn from chayolei!!!

    3. Surprised reader

      Who is the kid who sings the first song? he is amazing!

    4. Yitzi Kaner

      I can’t believe I could have such strong feelings for Chayolei reinvoked and reinvigorated- I haven’t been active there in almost 5 years.

    5. Camper in same bunk as the singer...

      The first singer’s name is dovber cohen

    6. Anonymous

      I spy dovber cohen! (it’s kinda not hard to…)

    7. camper

      what songs are there?

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