Beautiful Soul-Stirring Melody Performed By Local Talent




    Beautiful Soul-Stirring Melody Performed By Local Talent

    Awaken your soul: “The Kapelle,” a group of talented Chabad vocalists, teamed up with Yossi Cohen a few years. Together they performed “Haben Yakir Li Efrayim,” the soul-stirring melody composed by R’ Sholom Charitonow OBM, which forms part of the Tefillos of Rosh Hashana • Watch

    1. yankel

      Thanks so much for posting this hartzigeh nigun. Pulls the strings of the neshomo out of the butz of life.

    2. ????

      Sholom charitonov obm he passed away ????

    3. mendy


    4. To ????

      Sholom Charitonow is named after the composer of this niggun

    5. reply to 2

      Sholom Charitonow lived around 80 years ago. You may know his grandson Shalom the mashpia in OT.

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