770: Rally Held with Goal of Nullifying the Impending Decree




    770: Rally Held with Goal of Nullifying the Impending Decree

    In connection with New York State’s impending decrees which will destroy, r”l, the world of chinuch, the rabbonim of Crown Heights Beis Din called for yesterday to be a special day of tefillah. In fulfillment of the rabbonims’ request, a large children’s rally was held yesterday in Beis Chayenu with participation of the neighborhood’s schools. Images captured by photographer Dov Ber HechtmanPhotos


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    1. Reb Zalman B.

      What will happen if all of our Jewish kids end up in public school? The public school system will go bankrupt and many of the non-Jewish families i’m not be happy of the influx of Jewish children. We gotta get creative and deal with situation in a different way!

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    770: Rally Held with Goal of Nullifying the Impending Decree


