“Will Chassidim See the Rebbe Again”




    “Will Chassidim See the Rebbe Again”

    In connection with the recent passing of Reb Meir Aaron Schreiber, OB”M, a longtime resident and community activist of Crown Heights, we are sharing a well-known and powerful story, brought in the book “Scientific Thought in Messianic Times” by Professor Shimon Silman • Full Story

    In connection with the recent passing of Reb Meir Aaron Schreiber, OB”M, a longtime resident and community activist of Crown Heights, we are sharing a well-known and powerful story, brought in the book “Scientific Thought in Messianic Times” by Professor Shimon Silman.

    In the beginning of 5754 (a year and a half after the Rebbe MH”M suffered a stroke) on Simchas Torah, R’ Meir Schreiber, went into the Rebbe’s room, as part of a group of donors.

    While in the room he showed the Rebbe the picture of the Rebbe from Kos Shel Brocho on Motzei Simchas Torah 5748, in which the Rebbe can be seen strongly encouraging the singing with both of his holy hands. He asked the Rebbe “will such a situation happen again?” The Rebbe nodded in agreement.

    Not being satisfied with that, after Yom Tov he wrote a letter to the Rebbe asking:

    “Will the Chassidim again see the Rebbe Shlita doing as in the enclosed picture, with the same physical capabilities (standing, waving both arms joyously) and even more? We ask the Rebbe Shlita for his blessings that this occur soon.”

    The Rebbe MH”M nodded in agreement.


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    1. Anonymous

      I heard that it was when he brought the Sefer tora to the rebbe by Hakafos

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