Letter From R’ M. Feinstein Surfaces




    Letter From R’ M. Feinstein Surfaces

    A letter just surfaced from R’ Moshe Feinstein, OB”M, to a director of a hospital regarding Cholov Akum. The letter was discovered by R’ Chaim Dalfin of Boro Park • Full Story

    The Yeshiva World

    Recently, an askan passed away and in his private papers – a letter from Rav Moshe Feinstein, OB”M, was found. The letter was brought to light by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin of Borough Park.

    It seems that the askan had asked one of the Jewish hospitals as to why they did not provide Cholov Yisroel dairy meals to their patients.

    The hospital administrator replied that they relied upon the leniency of Rav Moshe. The Askan asked Rav Moshe directly about whether New York hospitals should be lenient and the following responsum was his reply:

    Oct. 23, 1963,

    Regarding the matter of milk from companies, even though there are reasons to be lenient, certainly these [leniencies] are only for a place where there is no Cholov Yisroel available that is under G-d-fearing Rabbis. But in a place where Cholov Yisroel under supervision and the like is available all matter regarding milk one must be stringent. Certainly, for those who in their homes are careful to only eat supervised Cholov Yisroel, we must be careful – for it is also a concern of violating an oath. It comes out that also in a kosher hospital where they serve only kosher – they should enact whatever is possible to obtain dairy items that are supervised [Cholov Yisroel], for here in New York, there is no difficulty [in obtaining it].  At the very least they should obtain supervised milk for those that are careful in it in their homes and not to cause them to stumble, Heaven forbid, that they consume there what they are careful not to eat.

    [Rav] Moshe Feinstein


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