“Habo Lehorgecha Hashkem Lehorgo”




    “Habo Lehorgecha Hashkem Lehorgo”

    After tens of Rabbonim from all over Israel gathered together and made a Psak-Din, the Israeli government follows in their way. following what is written “Habo Lehrgecha, Hashkem Lehorgo” • Full Story

    Already in the year 5752 in the Sicha of Parshas Mishpotim referring to a decision made by the UN to begin spending more time and money on the welfare of the people rather then at war, the Rebbe stated: “That the proclamation and decision of leaders of the world is a direct outcome from the Psak-Din made by esteemed Rabbonim that Hineh zeh (Melech HaMoshiach) Bo.”

    A week ago, tens of Rabbonim from all over Israel gathered together to announce with the power of Torah, that based on what is written “Habo Lehrgecha, Hashkem Lehorgo” it is a Mitzvah to kill any Terrorist who attempts to harm Yiden.

    In continuation to that and as a direct outcome, talks have begun in the Israeli Knesset to form a death penalty law to any terrorist. this is being encouraged by MK Avigdor Liberman Leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party.

    We, as Chassidim, hope and pray, that very soon will be the True and full outcome of the Rabbonim’s original Psak in 5752 regarding the coming of Moshiach NOW.


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    1. Moshe Chaim

      This is a real smart idea, however I think isreal is gona now run into the law of owning a weapon, like in the US, is it gona b legal 4 every isreali citizen 2 own a gun ? That’s what the outcome of this “new” (it’s new acc 2 the isreali gov, but it’s from the Torah, which isn’t new, so that’s y I put quotation marks) law is gona be, & do ppl need a license 2 carry a gun or whatever kinda weapon it may be.

    2. Mendy

      Thank you for the article!

    3. Levi

      Bezras Hashem it will pull through!!

    4. Yossi

      Finally! This is amazing! We should see the results already in this physical world with our physical eyes!

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