Detailed Letter About Measles




    Detailed Letter About Measles

    The Gedaliah Society, is a group of medical professionals in Crown Heights, who have compiled an informative letter regarding the Measles virus • Full Story

    The Gedaliah Society, is a group of medical professionals in Crown Heights, who have compiled an informative letter regarding the Measles virus.

    Dear Parents,

    As concerned medical members of the Crown Heights community, we find it difficult to stay quiet at this time. Measles has unfortunately spread to our community, and quick action must be taken to prevent widespread illness c”v.

    Some things many people may not know about the Rubeola Virus, commonly known as Measles.

    • Measles is one of the most highly contagious diseases. 9/10 non-immune people exposed to the airborne droplets will get the disease.
    • The virus remains active in the air for up to two hours after the contagious person leaves the room.
    • A person with the virus is contagious from 4 days before and 4 days after symptoms appear. A completely healthy appearing person can spread the illness for four days unknowingly.
    • There is no known treatment for this disease; only supportive measures are available.
    • If someone is exposed to measles, they should call their doctor immediately. (Do not go to the office if measles is suspected. Always call first!) An MMR shot given as soon as possible may help prevent or minimize the disease.
    • In addition, there is a particular Immunoglobulin IV therapy give to pregnant women and very young infants exposed to measles.
    • Because the measles vaccine contains a weakened live virus, very young children, cancer patients, and pregnant women cannot get this vaccine, and they depend on those around them not to spread this disease to them.

    Therefore, it is so important, for every child, man, and woman in this community to make sure they have received two MMR vaccines.

    Please call your Family Doctor to ensure you and your children are fully vaccinated. B”h the vaccine works extremely well. Do not delay!

    A good shabbos!
    May we all merit to have a happy and healthy Pesach with Moshiach!

    The Gedaliah Society, a network of Chabad medical professionals

    For more information on vaccines go to

    Email for vaccine questions [email protected]

    A project of JONA – Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association.


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