First Nigun Composed for 11 Nisan




    Seder Nashim

    First Nigun Composed for 11 Nisan

    Thirty days before Yud Alef Nisan, the first Nigun for the Rebbe’s new Kapital was sent in to the Vaad, the Nigun was composed by Yitzchok Yisroel Echter and Menachem Mendel Nimitz, from the Yeshiva in Tzafs • Listen

    1. Just wondering...?

      Why is the niggun that the Rebbe MH”M HIMSELF put to the words of the kappital – not good enough to sing for the Rebbe’s new kappital?!
      דבר שאינו מובן כלל וכלל?

    2. Anonymous

      yes why do you have to do a new niggun

    3. Anonymous

      only one niggun?

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