Tonight: Exciting Shiur for Kohanim




    Tonight: Exciting Shiur for Kohanim

    In order to help us live Geulah which we are expecting any moment, is proud to announce a special Shiur featuring the laws of Korban Pesach – Pesach Sheini that will take place tonight from 8:00 until 9:00 PM. The Shiur will be given by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg, a Shliach and a noted author of many Seforim • Full Story

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    “Yidden have always awaited and desired with a tremendous yearning for the Geula . . to the extent that it has expressed itself in the actions [and directives] of many to learn the Halochos connected to Toras Kohanim, the Beis Hamikdash and the bringing of Korbonos. This is in order to be ‘prepared’ for the Geulah which is imminent, through knowing the Halochos which will then be pertinent for the ‘Kohanim B’Avodosom’…

    Especially now, in our generation which we finished all the Kitzim and according to all signs in the Gemora and the Medrash we find ourselves in the Ikvesa D’ikvisa D’Mishicha, and it’s clear to all that our generation is the last generation of exile and the first generation of Geula…

    This has to manifest itself into Maaseh Bepoel: To increase in…learning the Halochos of the Beis Hamikdash and Toras Kohanim…”

    The Rebbe,
    Shabbos Parshas Trumah 5750

    In connection with the above Sicha and in order to help us live Geulah which we are expecting any moment, is proud to announce a special Shiur featuring the laws of Korban Pesach – Pesach Sheini that will take place tonight from 8:00 until 9:00 PM.

    The Shiur will be given by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg, a Shliach and a noted author of many Seforim.

    Click here to join the Shiur


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