How are Tefilin prepared?




    How are Tefilin prepared?

    In honor of the grand Mesibas Siyum of Cheder Ohr Menachem 5781: Talmidim of the oldest grade which have successfully completed cheder prepared a fantastic video presentation • Video

    In honor of the grand Mesibas Siyum of Cheder Ohr Menachem 5781: Talmidim of the oldest grade which have successfully completed cheder prepared a fantastic video presentation.

    The demonstration is on a subject extremely close to their heart as they embark on the journey of being a “Bar Chiyuva” and part of a minyan. A real live demonstration on ‘How are Tefilin prepared?’.

    They want to thank: Rabbi Avrohom Rainitz, R’ Chanoch Hecht and Hatomim Sholom Popper for their assistance with preparing the script. The Menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz and the Vice Principal Rabbi Yossi Overlander for overseeing.

    Acharon Choviv Talmidim wish to thank those who opened their Tefilin Batim and Safrus enterprises to us: Rabbi’s Yossef Altain and Mendel Altain for opening their factory, and to Rabbi Yitzchok Raskin of Machon Stam Yasher Koach for adding soooo much chayus and koch in bringing our learning to life!


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