Watch This Week’s TWS Video




    Purim With The Rebbe

    Chassidim sing a joyous Purim song as the Rebbe enters the shul on Purim for davening and Megillah reading. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    An Empty Vessel

    On a fast day, the body is like an empty vessel, without food or drink. This is especially relevant to the fast day preceding Purim. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to MyMaor.orgWatch

    A Blessing For The Lubavitchn Institutions In Australia

    Mr. Liebler and Rabbi Singer from Australia receive dollars from the Rebbe and instructions regarding the World Jewish Congress. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    From No Escape To The Greateste clebration!

    Achashverosh ruled over the entire world, and there was nowhere to flee to escape the decree. On Purim, the decree was abolished and the situation was transformed to the opposite extreme! To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    Kiddush Levana With The Rebbe

    The Rebbe recites Kiddush Levana in front of his house on President Street during the month of Adar. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    The Shabbos Meal

    How is the food that we eat on Shabbos different than our meals during every other day of the week? To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to MyMaor.orgWatch

    We Should Not Have To Wait Until Purim!

    Right now we should experience the “light, joy, gladness and honor” as is described in the Megillah, with all of its explanations. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    You Don’t Need To Be A Kohen

    While the Bais Hamikdash stood, only the kohen performed the service of offering the daily “tamid” sacrifice. Now, a prayer was instituted in place. of the sacrifice and any Jew- whether Kohen, Levi, or Yisroel, can accomplish the service of a Kohen. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    Why G-d Needs To Give Us The Bais Hamikdosh

    The Rebbe expresses to the Erlau Rebbe that Hashem is obligated to give us the Bais Hamikdash so that we can bring the sacrifices. To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    Limitless Joy That Breaks All Boundaries!

    Today, on Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheini, we should experience the complete and final geulah, even before the holidays of Purim and Pesach! To receive ‘The Daily Video’ send a WhatsApp message to 718-687-8900 or an Email to • Watch

    Watch This Week’s TWS Video


