Our Veggie Bug Buddies




    Our Veggie Bug Buddies

    Kashrus: Be in the Know! Is to begin a 7 week series this Tuesday on everything you need to know about checking your produce! Kashrus: Be In The Know is an organization that was created with the intention to increase kashrus awareness and provide consumers with a knowledge of basic halacha, as well as important information regarding how foods are manufactured and processed. With this information, consumers are able to make educated choices when buying products • Full Story

    Kashrus: Be in the Know! Is to begin a 7 week series this Tuesday on everything you need to know about checking your produce!

    Ever Wonder:
    Is checking my produce an extra stringency, a rabbinical obligation, or a biblical obligation?
    Is it true that I can just check a few leaves from a batch of lettuce and consider the rest fine?
    Does triple washed lettuce need to be checked?
    Do I need to know what I’m looking for in my produce, or will it be obvious when I see a bug?
    What color are the bugs I’m looking for?
    What does checking with the shamata method mean? Is there any advantage to that?
    Can I use frozen broccoli or cauliflower without a reliable hashgacha?
    Do I need to check fruits and veggies that will be pureed?
    Are there bugs in my tap water or not?
    Does Nori Seaweed need to be checked?
    Can a non-Jew or child check my lettuce?
    Can I check lettuce on Shabbos?
    Join us for a 7 Part series to clarify many details in bug checking!
    If you are not part of a group yet click on the links below.
    Women’s Group:

    Kashrus: Be In The Know is an organization that was created with the intention to increase kashrus awareness and provide consumers with a knowledge of basic halacha, as well as important information regarding how foods are manufactured and processed. With this information, consumers are able to make educated choices when buying products.

    Although the classes are given by Rabbis who both work in respectable hashgachos, and have a depth of knowledge in Halacha as well as the food industry, the classes given do not reflect the opinions of the agencies they work for. It also does not in any way replace asking
    questions to a Rav. All consumers are encouraged to reach out to their Rav when deciding on personal Kashrus standards.

    To find out more, and to listen to past classes, visit www.kashrusbeintheknow.com


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