“Lubavitch was Radical Mishichistim”




    “Lubavitch was Radical Mishichistim”

    In honor of Chof Ches Nisan, we are publicizing a Farbrengen of Rabbi Yossi Paltiel from a few years ago. Rabbi Paltiel speaks of the importance of the day, and what it means for us • Listen

    1. M. Landa

      Thank you for sharing this amazing Farbrengen!!!! please bring more like this!!!

    2. Yossi

      I’m in middle listing to this video, and i’m a big fan of Rabbi Paltiel in general but in the first few minutes i heard so much not correct details and mistakes and at some points even a bit truly incorrect statements. for example he compares the idea to give the responsibility to bring Moshiach back to the Rebbe to the idea of Paskening and demanding the Rebbe to revel as Moshiach, while the first the Rebbe clearly negated and the second the Rebbe encouraged!!!
      I hope that the more i’ll listen to, i will reveal more truth, and that i misunderstood the Rabbi.

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