What Are They Thinking?




    What Are They Thinking?

    Rabbi Manis Friedman sat down with a group of 8th grade students from Oholei Torah for a discussion about G-d ● The Bochurim had an open mic and were able to ask any question they wanted, and for over an hour Rabbi Friedman answered all their questions ● Courtesy of 11213.org ● Audio

    1. Non Jewish music

      The concept of music is certainly klipas nogah, as the Rabbi says, yet, shouldn’t a specific composition be sholosh klipos hatemei’ois, just like the goy who composed it? Additionally, whichever klipoh it comes from, it certainly has a disastrous affect on a Yid, as stated in the Gemoro, that Acheir went off because he heard zemer yevoni.

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